We’re now at the height of farming season, and all the work of helping clients manage cash flow has paid off. Not only do they have lots of produce to sell, but they’re far enough into the season that they …
In May’s article we talked about how to prepare for investors from a big picture perspective: learn the language of investors, tell a good story, make sure the numbers add up, be realistic, and be professional. These big picture tips …
This article is written by guest contributor, Holly Fowler, Co-founder and Managing Director of Northbound Ventures, a sustainability consulting firm based in Somerville, MA and focused on developing sustainable communities, regional food systems, and institutional procurement practices. Directly or indirectly, …
When people ask what I do for work, I tell them I’m an articulator. I don’t write business plans or create financial projections; I help entrepreneurs get their business ideas on paper so they can approach investors. I help my …
Last month, Noelle and I had the pleasure of attending the SBN Local Food Trade Show. Fifty vendors and hundreds of other food producers and buyers were in attendance for a lively day of networking and discussions focused on buying and …
As you may have read in the paper a few weeks ago, Blood Farms just burned down. Why is this a big deal? They were one of only three slaughterhouses in Massachusetts who service the nearly 100 livestock producers in the area. All of these farmers rely on this limited number of slaughterhouses to process their animals, so the loss of just one facility puts the local meat industry in a tight situation.
Most entrepreneurs are always plotting and strategizing growth, whether it’s expanding the number of acres in production on their farm, creating new product lines, or opening up another café. After all, the successful growth of their businesses means the potential …
Igor Kharitonenkov and Andy Brooks, co-founders of Bootstrap Compost, wanted to expand their business. Like most entrepreneurs, they felt that getting financing was the easiest way to accelerate their growth trajectory. They presented at the Slow MoneyShowcase and inquired about a loan …
Does your food business produce more than a ton of food waste per week? If so, now is the time to plan for the change! In Massachusetts, new regulations will ban food waste from the waste stream, sending it to …
Fifteen years ago, my friend Brett quit his restaurant job and bought 100 acres in Southern Maryland to pursue his dream of organic farming. He’s a skilled farmer: growing the most flavorful tomato varieties, breeding winter-hardy greens and creating a …