How much revenue do you want to earn in the coming year? $150,000? $300,000? If you’ve read books like The Secret you know that you need to put out into the universe what you want. But putting down on paper …
Last month, Noelle and I had the pleasure of attending the SBN Local Food Trade Show. Fifty vendors and hundreds of other food producers and buyers were in attendance for a lively day of networking and discussions focused on buying and …
Most entrepreneurs are always plotting and strategizing growth, whether it’s expanding the number of acres in production on their farm, creating new product lines, or opening up another café. After all, the successful growth of their businesses means the potential …
Does your food business produce more than a ton of food waste per week? If so, now is the time to plan for the change! In Massachusetts, new regulations will ban food waste from the waste stream, sending it to …
How can a food business authentically and effectively align its charitable giving with its business model? Food based businesses, such as restaurants, farm and food producers are regularly asked for donations. And why not? It’s so easy to ask for …
In the depths of summer, print magazines put together their “Best of” lists as a way to boost readership (and advertising dollars) during what would otherwise be a slow time. While we don’t have those same dips and effects, we …
I’ve been hearing a lot about food hubs lately, but it wasn’t until Iattended a workshop at NESAWG this past February that I fully understood what they are. What I’ve been calling aggregators (companies like Farmers to You and Boston Organics) are, in fact, …
The recent Stanford Study called to attention the reason so many folks choose organic foods over conventionally grown, and it’s not necessarily nutritional value. The study asserted that conventional is the same as organic, nutritionally speaking.
“Local” and “Sustainable” have been buzz words of the restaurant industry for the last few years and this trend is here to stay. Buying locally and sustainably is not just good for the environment and the local economy: it can …
Last month, I guest-cheffed at EVOO Restaurant in Cambridge to promote my new cookbook. From a simple financial perspective, this may have seemed foolish. EVOO didn’t pay me, and though I earned royalties from that evening’s book sales, it amounted to about …