QuickBooks Tools for Value-Added Producers



If you make salsas, jams, sausages, or a similar type product, you’re creating a value-added product. You are taking your raw ingredients (tomatoes, fruit, chilies, pork, etc…) and adding value to them so that you can sell them at a higher price.

Value-added products can increase the diversity of a farm (add in new kinds of resiliency) as well as increase the overall profitability. Instead of earning, say $4/pound for tomatoes, you can earn $12 because you converted it into salsa.

When you have value-added products, you have more things to track.

  • you have a different kind of cost of production from the farm operation that requires a different kind of tracking,
  • you have new sales to track so you know which products sell and which don’t, and
  • there’s an interplay between the farm business and the value-added business and you want.

In this video course, we’ll show you how to use QuickBooks to answer these questions:

  1. How much are you selling of each product?
  2. What is your cost of production?
  3. Is your value added product adding to your bottom line.
  4. How do you record “selling to yourself” to account for farm products that are utilized in your value-added products.

Specifically, we’ll show you how to use:

  • Products/Services (Items) to track sales and expenses
  • Which reports you need to run
  • How to create internal sales from the farm to the kitchen so you can easily track each enterprises profitability.